True North Training with the Institute for Process Excellence

Join us on Tuesday, April 16 starting at 1:05 PM for an overview of our True  North Calibration Model
Enabling Sustainable Transformation: Empowering your People, Processes, Solution, & Data
To achieve successful transformation in the landscape of tomorrow, businesses must invest in modern organizational change management principles in conjunction with reshaping legacy business processes and systems. Achieving sustained improvement requires the organization to address silo competency mind-sets, antiquated capabilities, and global workforce dynamics. We will discuss methods for enabling organizations to benchmark, assess, and transform the business challenges that impact most organizations.
True North Calibration Model
Attendees will learn methodologies for ensuring enterprise-wide transformation that produces sustainable transformation and functional business improvements. We will also identify field-tested methods for gathering and understanding your legacy process transformation needs and digital capability requirements (including any that have already been identified) and validate that they are appropriate to be supported by PLM, define priorities for your organization, and define how modern processes enabled by PLM can work for the benefit of your organization.
Seats are going fast so sign up today!