Instructions to Submit your Case Study
Thank you for considering presenting your case study at ACE 2020. Please follow the guidelines below to gather the information you need to complete your submission. If you have any questions please contact Beth at [email protected].
- What is the name of your case study/demo?
- What is the solution provided?
- Who are the subscribers using the solution?
- Do you have a short abstract written?
- What is the nature of the presentation (slides/demo, etc.)?
- Do you have an outline or other supporting documents? (the more we know about the solution, the better your chances of being approved).
- Do you need to have the approval of your legal department to be presenting this solution?
- You will be asked to sign a release to participate, do you have the authority to provide this?
Selection Criteria: We will be considering several factors when choosing the case studies. In addition to the above, please keep in mind the following:
- Is the case study compelling?
- Is the case study/demo educational in nature?
- Are results presented?
- What metrics were used to evaluate?
- Are all partner fees paid and up to date?
Kiosk in Solutions Showcase
Items provided:
8' diameter fully branded area - will will have approval on final graphics developed by our design team. No shipped booths or signs will be accepted.
- Kiosk Structure
- Monitor
- All branding
- Electricity
- Highboy table and barstool
Items not provided:
- Any connector chords for the monitor to your computer
- Conference Passes - your only investment in this opportuniy is the conference pass