4 March, 2024 (10:30-4:00 pm)

XPLM Connectivity Classes at ACE 2024

All about tools to get a grip on the end-to-end innovation process

Your employees are not getting information as easily as they should?
Could cross-departmental collaboration be better?
Do incorrect orders and production errors occur every now and then due to incorrect data?
If you are inwardly nodding, our sessions are the right place for you. Learn all about our proven best practices to make sure to get out the best of your end-to-end innovation processes.

Session 1: 10:30-11:00 AM

The Power of Connectivity

  • Unveiling the key principles of openness and ease of use
  • Introduction to our CAD Connectors
  • Introduction to XSPHERE
  • Setting the tone and expectations for the day


Session 2: 11:00- 12:00 PM

Insights into the world of MBE

Also facing the challenge of data silos impacting the construction of a digital thread, hindering the necessary traceability in product development and causing pain in the process?


Our sessions will give you insights into the world of model-based engineering:

Integrate your MBSE into Innovator to create the digital thread of your complex systems.

See how the company SAIC benefits of integrating their CAMEO system models into Aras Innovator. Interlinking them with their product data they build up the Lifecycle Digital Thread providing the more and more frequently demanded full traceability of the product development process. This includes the offering of navigating the digital thread with its logical, functional, technical or requirement breakdowns leaving documents behind.


Session 3: 1:00-1:30 PM

Multi-CAD Collaboration

Your mechanical engineers developing common products are using different MCAD tools, but have to work closely together?

This session shows how clever Innovator serves as clever multi-CAD collaboration platform allowing to share native design data for direct processing. Delve with us into the intricacies of CAD intelligent Innovator connectors to get an idea of their high potential to optimize collaborative workflows and reduce routine works to shorten the time-to-market at reasonable costs.


Session 4: 1:30-2:30 PM

The effect of interlocking simulation results

Are you also struggling with making the wrong decisions based on the absence of transparency of product data and its simulation results?

Experience the meaning of interlinked simulation results and product data for quick and correct decisions:

  • Witness a compelling use case involving Ansys Minerva. Discover the integration possibilities and benefits for your projects.
  • Learn more on how crucial the transparency of product data and its simulation results in Ansys Minerva is to make the right decisions. The integration of Aras Innovator and Ansys Minerva allows to easily transfer the product data to the simulation tool and automatically reconnect the results with the related product data in PLM.


Session 5: 3:00-4:00 pm

Collaboration in Action

Do you also struggle with faulty innovation processes due to a lack of valid information and manual collaboration processes?

Experience how efficient and cost-efficient DevOps can look like thanks to cross-divisional collaboration based on valid data:

Every day, employees need information from sectors outside their own specialties and systems that they cannot access directly. To put an end to email ping-pong and manually maintained Excel lists the data federation tool XSPHERE might be the right solution, e. g. to implement an efficient DevOps supported by sharing processes and software tools in order to work in a network. They exchange project, product and process data via MS Teams and edit documents together, always safe in the knowledge that they are working with the latest versions. 

Don't miss this opportunity to gain invaluable insights, connect with industry leaders, and discover the future of connectivity. Join us for a day of knowledge-sharing and collaboration that will reshape the way you approach connectivity in your projects.