Reflections on Platform, Community, and Innovation ​
Tuesday, March 5, 2024, 8:00 AM - 8:40 AM
Grand Ballroom

Roque Martin offers perspective after serving 24 months as Aras CEO and a member of the Aras Community. The rate of change and amount of uncertainty has only increased over the last two years. The world is settling into the realization the world will only become more complex and that constant change is to be expected. For organizations and teams to succeed in this new normal, leaders need to think differently about how they leverage digital technologies. This is particularly the case for PLM and digital engineering teams. For over 20 years, Aras has evangelized the importance of openness and adaptability; of the criticality of a unified data backbone; and of the power of community-based innovation. These forward-looking principles have continued to make Aras standout in the PLM industry and are fundamental to our continued success — as a company, as a community, and as an ecosystem. This talk will explore these themes with a examples drawn from the Aras community.​