Maximizing Value by Asserting Control Over Your Enterprise Digital Transformation
Date & Time
Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Location Name
Salon G&F

The next industrial revolution is upon us and organizations must transform to deliver value at the speed of relevance. As organizations evolve and transform themselves to leverage digital technologies, many experience barriers to entry and friction during implementation that inhibit success. Overcoming these obstacles requires a holistic enterprise transformation approach. Technology is part of the solution…but true success is found by identifying and executing radically different ways to do business by taking advantage of new techniques to achieve needed outcomes (and not simply making old processes faster). To fully understand these complexities, organizations must take a value-based approach to overcome their pain points. The use of model-based methods facilitates agile and pragmatic approaches to identifying and quantify value (and sources of friction) and the interdependencies that must be managed to successfully transform an enterprise. This presentation will discuss lessons learned and fundamental principles that can be used by organizations of any size to accelerate their adoption of digital technologies and their ability to participate in the emerging digital ecosystem.