Product Strategy Input Session: Extending PLM services to Systems Models (MBSE) and Software development (ALM) Part 1
Date & Time
Thursday, April 18, 2019, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Location Name
Encanto A
Part 1: How to bridge the gap between Systems Model, detailed design and testing (V&V)
In many organizations Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) has become a crucial component of product development processes. The true benefit of that can only be realized by making MBSE connected to and configuration managed with everything else that constitutes development of today’s complex products: including MCAD, ECAD (electronic and electrical), ALM, simulation (SPDM), MRO, etc.. And yet for the most part MBSE and ALM remain as disconnected islands of automation. The need for convergence is obvious, the solution is not. In this two-part session, thoughts and vision for MBSE and ALM part of a single PLM managed ecosystem are presented.